عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 11-05-2010, 08:45 AM   رقم المشاركة : 4
حوريةٌ وسيف~
الصورة الرمزية حوريةٌ وسيف~

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 561115
  الجنس: الجنس: Female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
  الحالة :حوريةٌ وسيف~ غير متصل
My SMS هناك اشخاص عندما تلتقي بهم .. تشعر كأنك التقيت بنفسك !

رد: وَلِروحي متنفّس؛ بعثرات قلم~


11 May 2010

7:20 AM


"Good morning"

"You have a smart walk"

Don't know her, we have just met, and she was talking like that !

I was about to tell her, it's not "a smart walk" as you think, but it's my high heel shoes, and I'm in a hurry ! I need to be on-time !

But now I can say, that was a good start to my day! Good to have someone to talk to, while you are walking ahead to your work. She was nice, and full of energy... I can't remember her name, but she will have a place in my memory for a long time;

Why the expatriate people are much nicer than our citizens??

I hate it when I use the elevator and one of the citizens is coming in without even saying "As Salam Alaikum" or "Good morning" !!

Those people are so full of themselves !!



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