منتديات أنيدرا الدراما الكورية و اليابانية


الدراما الكورية الدراما الكورية : نقاشات - مسلسلات - افلام - آخر أخبار الدراما في كوريا .

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 26-05-2008, 04:03 PM
الصورة الرمزية 花子 Hanako
花子 Hanako 花子 Hanako غير متصل
أنيدراوي جديد
معلومات إضافية
الانتساب : May 2008
رقم العضوية : 30791
المشاركات : 16
   الجنس: الجنس: female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
100 سؤال لhero

100 سؤال لhero

لإزالة كل الأعلانات، سجل الآن في منتديات أنيدرا

لكل اللي يحبون hero هذي هديه مني لكم
ومعليشDAAAY جيبي معاك دكشينيري عشان ترجمين
Stage Name: Hero -Young Woong
Real Name: Kim Jae Joong 김재중
Position: Main Vocals
Age: 21/22 -Western/Korean

Birthday: January 26, 1986
Birthplace : Choong Nam
Education: "3rd Year University Student"
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Games and listening to music
Special Ability: Singing

Born in 1986, he was born with the blood-type O and has the personality of someone with the blood type. Is the main vocal of the group, and carries out the role of the "big brother" with Yunho. He gives the most criticism to the members regarding music. Has deep thoughts and talks straight-forwardly. His neat and tidy personality is portrayed in the dorm they live in; cleaning every corner of the house is blatantly a part of this trait, but he also is interested in cooking and feeds everyone in the group. Is the 'mother' of the group. Exceptional cooking skills and can prepare 15 kinds of dishes easily. Won the best looking award from SM and is a pretty boy, but his hobby is weight training -- he has a great, masculine body in contrast to his feminine face. Is interested in people's relationships and likes to love.

YoungWoong JaeJoong's husky voice is attractive

Right now Jaejoong cooks for his members. He improved his cooking skills while preparing for his debut also his parent's contribution was the biggest. Jaejoong's parents owns a restaurant in ChoongNam KwangJoo. JaeJoong went through lots of hardship. He did lots of part-time jobs from working in a convenience store, delivering chicken, newspaper delivery, manual labor; there's nothing he has never done. YoungWoong also appeared in the movie 'Taeguki wa Hweenalli myuh' (waving the korean flag) as an extra but its really difficult to find him in the movie. He appeared as one of the Chinese soliders. JaeJoong's special talent is his husky voice, but the one thing he likes the most is his eyebrows. Jaejoong said when Song SuHun sees his eyebrows he is going to bow. When he was young his dream was to be a supermarket owner because he would be able

to eat as many cookies as he would want
1.) Name: Kim Jaejoong
2.) Birthdate: January 26
3.) Address: Someplace in Seoul<< للي بيزوره
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 177 cm
6.) Weight: 63 kg
7.) Shoe size: 275 mm
8.) Personality: Bright I guess? People say I don't have a very good first impression.
9.) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remembered for a while.
10.) Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.
11.) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies
12.) My idol: A person like HK
13.) Celebrities you likes: MILK's Yumi, Shinhwa's Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Hweesung.
14.) Fav Flower: Lily
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: HK
16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples
17.) People you don like: Someone who thinks he/she is all that.
18.) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!
19.) What I worried about: Secret
20.) Sleeping out: I'll let you make up it on your own.
21.) Alcohol tolerance: around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them
22.) First love: First year of MS
23.) Someone I respect: parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Hyesung
24.) Sport I good at: Running
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Number of blind dates youe gone on: 3
27.) When I look the best: When I've stayed up for a day
28.) Person I've liked the best out of all the people I've gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 2 and 7<<لاااا انا 10و5
30.) Prized Possession: my parents
31.) Lowest ranking: what do you mean?
32.) Religion: atheist<<<هذا اول الحين مسيحي
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY!<<<ههههه يدنن
34.) Fav color: black and white<< انا بينك عشان heecul يحبه
35.) Good thing about myself: I'm nice, but I think my first impression IS bad.
36.) Bad thing about myself: my first impression is bad.
37.) Drinking habits: I think a lot of myself
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet: No~! I want to sleep
40.) Things I cook well: I'm good at cooking in general.<< ياحظ اللي بتاخذه ماراح تتعب
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.
42.) Foreign language I good at: Chinese
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands44.) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride near the river
45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: ?boyfriend??<< ودي اشوف وجهه في هالحظه
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: I can't type in what I want. I broke it.
49.) Ringtone: TT_TT
50.) Caller rings: TT0TT!!
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: I'll leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.<< بانسبه لي با خذها كلها
52.) Habits: thinking, laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.
54.) What I wearing as of now: White beater and jeans.
55.) I want to die when: I don't have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I'd just go one suffering.<< احسنت بارك الله فيك
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given: is this a quiz for girls?
57.) Where I want surgery: ? what?
58.) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.
59.) What people think of me: It's all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: Let's save!!!
61.) What I'm scared of: cockroaches
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents.
64.) What I do when I scared: I sing.
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.
66.) What I do when I stressed: I listen to music.
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.
68.) What I do when I'm mad: I hit things!!!
69.) Things I can't eat: Dog.
70.) Time I get to school: ?
71.) Something I want to learn: acting.
72.) What I do when there is someone I don't like: Ignore them.<<هالطبع فيني
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.
74.) What I think of money: It doesn't grow on trees.
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: I'll let them go because there must be something they don't like about me.
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: 6th year of EM.
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: I'll think about it.<<ياحليله
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.<< وطني بقوه
81.) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.<<انا حدي 1 ساعه
83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: 3 or 4 dollars.
85.) Fav animals: Dogs.
86.) Fav. Season: Spring
87.) Most memorable date: ? hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.
90.) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.
92.) Love is?: ? ...like a drug.
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don't like when I'm going out with someone: ...?
95.) What I like the most about myself: Skin
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: I'm done! I
can finally go home
الله الله بالردود لا تفشلوني

الموضوع الأصلي : 100 سؤال لhero || الكاتب : 花子 Hanako || المصدر : منتديات أنيدرا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-05-2008, 04:45 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
أنيدراوي فعال
الصورة الرمزية DAAAY

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 68
  الجنس: الجنس: Female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
  الحالة :DAAAY غير متصل
My SMS ..زر غباً..........تزدد حباً..


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 花子 Hanako مشاهدة المشاركة
لكل اللي يحبون hero هذي هديه مني لكم

ومعليشDAAAY جيبي معاك دكشينيري عشان ترجمين
Stage Name: Hero -Young Woong
Real Name: Kim Jae Joong 김재중
Position: Main Vocals
Age: 21/22 -Western/Korean
Birthday: January 26, 1986
Birthplace : Choong Nam
Education: "3rd Year University Student"
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Games and listening to music
Special Ability: Singing
Born in 1986, he was born with the blood-type O and has the personality of someone with the blood type. Is the main vocal of the group, and carries out the role of the "big brother" with Yunho. He gives the most criticism to the members regarding music. Has deep thoughts and talks straight-forwardly. His neat and tidy personality is portrayed in the dorm they live in; cleaning every corner of the house is blatantly a part of this trait, but he also is interested in cooking and feeds everyone in the group. Is the 'mother' of the group. Exceptional cooking skills and can prepare 15 kinds of dishes easily. Won the best looking award from SM and is a pretty boy, but his hobby is weight training -- he has a great, masculine body in contrast to his feminine face. Is interested in people's relationships and likes to love.

YoungWoong JaeJoong's husky voice is attractive

Right now Jaejoong cooks for his members. He improved his cooking skills while preparing for his debut also his parent's contribution was the biggest. Jaejoong's parents owns a restaurant in ChoongNam KwangJoo. JaeJoong went through lots of hardship. He did lots of part-time jobs from working in a convenience store, delivering chicken, newspaper delivery, manual labor; there's nothing he has never done. YoungWoong also appeared in the movie 'Taeguki wa Hweenalli myuh' (waving the korean flag) as an extra but its really difficult to find him in the movie. He appeared as one of the Chinese soliders. JaeJoong's special talent is his husky voice, but the one thing he likes the most is his eyebrows. Jaejoong said when Song SuHun sees his eyebrows he is going to bow. When he was young his dream was to be a supermarket owner because he would be able
to eat as many cookies as he would want
1.) Name: Kim Jaejoong
2.) Birthdate: January 26
3.) Address: Someplace in Seoul<< للي بيزوره
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 177 cm
6.) Weight: 63 kg
7.) Shoe size: 275 mm
8.) Personality: Bright I guess? People say I don't have a very good first impression.
9.) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remembered for a while.
10.) Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.
11.) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies
12.) My idol: A person like HK
13.) Celebrities you likes: MILK's Yumi, Shinhwa's Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Hweesung.
14.) Fav Flower: Lily
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: HK
16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples
17.) People you don like: Someone who thinks he/she is all that.
18.) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!
19.) What I worried about: Secret
20.) Sleeping out: I'll let you make up it on your own.
21.) Alcohol tolerance: around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them
22.) First love: First year of MS
23.) Someone I respect: parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Hyesung
24.) Sport I good at: Running
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Number of blind dates youe gone on: 3
27.) When I look the best: When I've stayed up for a day
28.) Person I've liked the best out of all the people I've gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 2 and 7<<لاااا انا 10و5
30.) Prized Possession: my parents
31.) Lowest ranking: what do you mean?
32.) Religion: atheist<<<هذا اول الحين مسيحي
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY!<<<ههههه يدنن
34.) Fav color: black and white<< انا بينك عشان heecul يحبه
35.) Good thing about myself: I'm nice, but I think my first impression IS bad.
36.) Bad thing about myself: my first impression is bad.
37.) Drinking habits: I think a lot of myself
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet: No~! I want to sleep
40.) Things I cook well: I'm good at cooking in general.<< ياحظ اللي بتاخذه ماراح تتعب
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.
42.) Foreign language I good at: Chinese
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands44.) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride near the river45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: ?boyfriend??<< ودي اشوف وجهه في هالحظه
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: I can't type in what I want. I broke it.
49.) Ringtone: TT_TT
50.) Caller rings: TT0TT!!
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: I'll leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.<< بانسبه لي با خذها كلها
52.) Habits: thinking, laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.
54.) What I wearing as of now: White beater and jeans.
55.) I want to die when: I don't have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I'd just go one suffering.<< احسنت بارك الله فيك
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given: is this a quiz for girls?
57.) Where I want surgery: ? what?
58.) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.
59.) What people think of me: It's all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: Let's save!!!
61.) What I'm scared of: cockroaches
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents.
64.) What I do when I scared: I sing.
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.
66.) What I do when I stressed: I listen to music.
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.
68.) What I do when I'm mad: I hit things!!!
69.) Things I can't eat: Dog.
70.) Time I get to school: ?
71.) Something I want to learn: acting.
72.) What I do when there is someone I don't like: Ignore them.<<هالطبع فيني
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.
74.) What I think of money: It doesn't grow on trees.
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: I'll let them go because there must be something they don't like about me.
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: 6th year of EM.
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: I'll think about it.<<ياحليله
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.<< وطني بقوه
81.) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.<<انا حدي 1 ساعه
83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: 3 or 4 dollars.
85.) Fav animals: Dogs.
86.) Fav. Season: Spring
87.) Most memorable date: ? hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.
90.) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.
92.) Love is?: ? ...like a drug.
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don't like when I'm going out with someone: ...?
95.) What I like the most about myself: Skin
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: I'm done! I can finally go home

الله الله بالردود لا تفشلوني

هااااانااااااااكووووو ...
أنا خقيــــــــــت بس ترى مافهمت شيء.....

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-05-2008, 04:48 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
الصورة الرمزية barooo

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 35
  الجنس: الجنس: female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
  الحالة :barooo غير متصل
My SMS دراسة × دراسة × دراسة <<< يلا بتخرج وأنتهي من أزمة الدراسة الصعبة ×_×



على الموضوع وكمان على المجهود الرائع

بس صراحة معاك حق

لازم ديكشينري ولا مارح يمشي الحال
وترى انعمينا
بس والله thanks

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-05-2008, 08:54 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
花子 Hanako
أنيدراوي جديد
الصورة الرمزية 花子 Hanako

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الجنس: الجنس: female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
  الحالة :花子 Hanako غير متصل
My SMS i'm new welcom me^_^

احم ...احم
نسيت اقولكم جيبو مع الديكشينري مكبر

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-05-2008, 10:56 PM   رقم المشاركة : 5
أنيدراوي فعال
الصورة الرمزية DAAAY

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 68
  الجنس: الجنس: Female
  علم الدولة: علم الدولة Saudi Arabia
  الحالة :DAAAY غير متصل
My SMS ..زر غباً..........تزدد حباً..


مووووووسووووووعة ويالله بعد <<عشان الترجمة!!
أريح لي أنادي على ماهيرووووووو...
وأسأله شخصياً.......

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